Sunday, May 24, 2009

aOrta aneUrysM


an aortic aneurysm is a weakened and bulging area in the aorta, the major blood vessel that feeds blood to the body.

The aorta, about the thickness of a garden hose, runs from your heart through the center of your chest and abdomen. Because the aorta is the body's main supplier of blood, a ruptured aortic aneurysm can cause life-threatening bleeding. Although you may never have symptoms, finding out you have an aortic aneurysm can be frightening.

Most small and slow-growing aortic aneurysms don't rupture, but large, fast-growing aortic aneurysms may. Depending on the size and rate at which the aortic aneurysm is growing, treatment may vary from watchful waiting to emergency surgery.

Once an aortic aneurysm is found, doctors will closely monitor it so that surgery can be planned if it's necessary. Emergency surgery for a ruptured aneurysm can be risky.


Aortic aneurysms often grow slowly and usually without symptoms, making them difficult to detect. Some aneurysms will never rupture. Many start small and stay small, although many expand over time.

Some aortic aneurysms enlarge slowly, increasing less than half an inch (1.2 centimeters) a year. Others expand at a faster rate, which increases the risk of rupture. How quickly an aortic aneurysm may grow is difficult to predict.

As an aortic aneurysm grows, some people may notice:

  • A pulsating feeling near the navel, if the aneurysm occurs in the abdomen
  • Tenderness or pain in the abdomen or chest
  • Back pain

Aneurysms can develop anywhere along the aorta, but most occur in the abdomen and are called abdominal aortic aneurysms. Aneurysms that occur in the part of the aorta that's higher up in your chest are called thoracic aortic aneurysms.

When to see a doctor
You should see your doctor if you have any of the symptoms listed above.

Anyone age 60 and older who has risk factors for developing an aortic aneurysm should consider regular screening for the condition. Men ages 65 to 75 who have ever smoked should have a one-time screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm using abdominal ultrasound. Men age 60 and older with a family history of abdominal aortic aneurysm should also consider screening.

If you have a family history of aortic aneurysm, your doctor may recommend regular ultrasound exams to screen for aortic aneurysm

Friday, May 22, 2009

pENyakiT JanTUNg KoRonEr /COroNaRy artEry DiseAse

  • penYakit janTUng KoronEr /CORonarY artEry diSeasE (PJK/ CAD) adalah sAlaH saTu penyAkit yANg sangat penTiNG keraNA diDerita oLEh jUtaaN orAng dan pEnyeBab kemaTIan uTama.
  • tImbuLnya PJK diDAsari Oleh prOses arterosklerOSis yanG sangaT prOgrEsif yaiTu di mUlai sejaK MAsa kAnAK -kanAk hInggA dekad 3-4.
..fAktOr riSikO PJK..
MajOr rIsk ; HipeRKOLesterOLeMia( kuRangKan lar KolesterOl yeK!)
dIabetEs melliTus (kenCing mANis)

MinOr risK : leLAKi
obESitaS (geMUk)
Kurang eXCeRsice

..manEfestASi kLinIK PJK..

,silEnt mYOcARDIal iSchemIa
,AnginA pecToRIS
  • aNgina pEctORis stAbil
  • vAriant AngiNA (prINZmetaL aNGIna)
,iNFark mIOkaRD akUt
,dEkoMPensasI kOrdis
,arItmiA janTung
,suDDent DeatH
,sYncOpe (pengsan)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

bARefOot iS bEst fOr aRthRItis kNeeS

#FleXIblE shOes aRe kINDer tO arthritIs knEes bUt nOthinG beatS gOin barEfOot (frOm RUSH UNIVERSITYMEDICAL COLLEGE IN CHICAGO) #:
  • sTAbiliTy shOes r pOpulaR and mAny peOple wit OstEoarthrItis of da kNee enD up wEarinG thEm.
  • peOple wit arthRitiC knEes SticK wit fLat,flexible,shOes.
  • whEn tHere is lEss suRface tO Da shOes, Da fOot has a BettEr pRopriOcepTive senSe- meaNing iT noEz whEn it tOuches dA gRoUnd, cOmpare tO An insUlatEd fOot.
  • dIz allOwz nOrmal NeuroMusculaR reflExes tO comE iN tO plAy anD pRotect thE resT Of the lEg froM da iMpact Of hiTTing da gROund.
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