Sunday, September 13, 2009

da SimpLe thiNg tat i av dOne

if you find life onE long, hard struggle, it cud be party bcoz u r a serial non takEr? hUrmZ am i?

LOok arOund yOu der r peOple reaDy tO help. YOu juz tO learN to takE wut they aV to give. bUt sumtimes i can staNd by mysElf. i can load thEm myself if i gOt any trOuble.i duN need heLp.,im nOt childiSh, buT even a littLe help make me feel lyke a baby.So hOw cud I be a matUre wOman??

sOmTimes i thiNk, hOw tO make smarter miStakes? im sO afraid of failing my takE da cOnservatIve rOute every stEp of dA way.

if ur noT making mistakes, ur not takIng risks and tat means ur not gOin anywhere.

i noE diz doesnt mean tO me shOuld adOpt a deviL-may -caRe attitude, n i neVer afraid to take risks anD learN from da consequeNces. i'll can handle by my self if av trOuble withOut woRry for anyone.

somtimes i thought, im not a gud woman. NobodY perfect rite?i waNna be a smarter n perfect woman in oTher sight.

,,urmz, deep in mY heaRt , der's kind burnIng.. i can sense tat luv is near.,,
anD One day, i gfOund sumoNe who chEer up my life. he really kinds and cares of me. he owEyz be der fOr me wen i gOT any trOuble...

nOw i realize tat, he gives me a new spirit n make me smile againn..sO wonderFuL Life, fullfill wut i've never get beforE.Learn me hOw tO be a gud sTudent. huiii,so funny huh wen hear tat.,. neVer give up.,,agaIn and again he tried to gimmE any ideas, moTivate,wit hOpe i'll succeed n get flyinG coloRs in my stdy.

he oweyz reminds me" dun fOrget study my dear!!! dun be lazy okay."

ill try' my best cnnot hurthis heart. juz wanna mke him epy . may God bless we alwitz,,. amin.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding( DUB)

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is abnormal genital tract bleeding based in the uterus and found in the absence of demonstrable organic pathology, and is the most common cause of functional abnormal uterine bleeding. Diagnosis must be made by exclusion, since organic pathology must first be ruled out. It can be classified as ovulatory or anovulatory, depending on whether ovulation is occurring or not

Ovulatory DUB happens with the involvement of ovulation, and may represent a possible endocrine dysfunction, resulting in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. Mid-cycle bleeding may indicate a transient estrogen decline, while late-cycle bleeding may indicate progesterone deficiency


Anovulatory cycle DUB happens without the involvement of ovulation. The etiology can be psychological stress, weight (obesity, anorexia, or a rapid change), exercise, endocrinopathy, neoplasm, drugs, or it may be otherwise idiopathic.

Assessment of anovulatory DUB should always start with a good medical history and physical examination. Laboratory assessment of hemoglobin, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, T4, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), pregnancy (by βhCG), and androgen profile should also happen. More extensive testing might include an ultrasound and endometrial sampling.


Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding predominantly consists of reassurance, though mid-cycle estrogen and late-cycle progestin can be used for mid- and late-cycle bleeding respectively. Also, non-specific hormonal therapy such as combined estrogen and progestin can be given.

The goal of therapy should be to arrest bleeding, replace lost iron to avoid anemia, and prevent future bleeding.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

menStRuatiOn ( a pEriOd)

Puberty and Periods

Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious.

When girls begin to go through puberty (usually starting between the ages of 8 and 13), their bodies and minds change in many ways. The hormones in their bodies stimulate new physical development, such as growth and breast development. About 2 to 2½ years after a girl's breasts begin to develop, she usually gets her first menstrual period.

About 6 months or so before getting her first period, a girl might notice an increased amount of clear vaginal discharge. This discharge is common. There's no need for a girl to worry about discharge unless it has a strong odor or causes itchiness.

The start of periods is known as menarche. Menarche doesn't happen until all the parts of a girl's reproductive system have matured and are working together.

How Often Does a Girl Get Her Period?

Just as some girls begin puberty earlier or later than others, the same applies to periods. Some girls may start menstruating as early as age 10, but others may not get their first period until they are 15 years old.

The amount of time between a girl's periods is called her menstrual cycle (the cycle is counted from the start of one period to the start of the next). Some girls will find that their menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, whereas others might have a 24-day cycle, a 30-day cycle, or even longer. Following menarche, menstrual cycles last 21–45 days. After a couple of years, cycles shorten to an adult length of 21–34 days.

Irregular periods are common in girls who are just beginning to menstruate. It may take the body a while to sort out all the changes going on, so a girl may have a 28-day cycle for 2 months, then miss a month, for example. Usually, after a year or two, the menstrual cycle will become more regular. Some women continue to have irregular periods into adulthood, though.

As a girl gets older and her periods settle down — or she gets more used to her own unique cycle — she will probably find that she can predict when her period will come. In the meantime, it's a good idea to keep track of your menstrual cycle with a calendar.

How Long and How Much?

The amount of time that a girl has her period also can vary. Some girls have periods that last just 2 or 3 days. Other girls may have periods that last 7 days or longer. The menstrual flow — meaning how much blood comes out of the vagina — can vary widely from girl to girl, too.

Some girls may be concerned that they're losing too much blood. It can be a shock to see all that blood, but it's unlikely that a girl will lose too much, unless she has a medical condition like von Willebrand disease. Though it may look like a lot, the average amount of blood is only about 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) for an entire period. Most teens will change pads 3 to 6 times a day, with more frequent changes when their period is heaviest, usually at the start of the period.

Especially when menstrual periods are new, you may be worried about your blood flow or whether your period is normal in other ways. Talk to a doctor or nurse if:

  • your period lasts longer than a week
  • you have to change your pad very often (soaking more than one pad every 1–2 hours)
  • you go longer than 3 months between periods
  • you have bleeding in between periods
  • you have an unusual amount of pain before or during your period
  • your periods were regular then became irregular
LaTe pEriOD???? ouWhh noO..

Being a woman can be quite complicated when you have to contend with fluctuating hormones and missed periods. It can be scary to discover you have an irregular, missed or absent period. There are so many different health factors that have an effect on your menstrual cycle that it can be hard for you or a doctor to determine the cause. Before you begin to worry, though, consider whether any of these situations might apply to you and learn what you can you do to bring back your period if they do.

First Things First

You must begin by asking yourself a series of questions:!!!!!
  • How long has it been since I missed my period?
  • Am I taking birth control?
  • Is there a possibility I might be pregnant?
  • Do I have bleeding between periods?
  • How often do I have heavy menstrual bleedING

Why is it Late?

There can be several explanations as to why you have had a late or missed period that depend on your unique health history and lifestyle. Among the more common reasons, late or missed periods can be caused by variety of factors including:

Friday, August 21, 2009

ijn ,caring BeyOnd uR heArt......


IJN provides extensive range of heart treatments including angiogram and angioplasty procedures via radial artery, implantation of AICDs, minimally invasive surgeries, stent implantations, endoscopic vein harvesting,off-pump surgery ,bypass surgery on 'awake' patients and implantation of mechanical heart assist device which are now already available at IJN.

Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) merupakan hospital pakar untuk pesakit jantung di Malaysia. IJN ditubuhkan pada September 1992, terletak di sebelah kiri Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Kuala Lumpur. Kos pembinaan sebanyak RM15.5 juta. Ia diuruskan oleh IJN Holdings Sdn Bhd, milik penuh Kementerian Kewangan (99.9 %).

Tujuan IJN ditubuhkan bagi merawat pesakit jantung yang memerlukan pembedahan koronari, kardiologi dan kes pediatrik. Semua pesakit jantung yang serius dari seluruh negara dirujuk ke IJN bagi mendapat rawatan lanjut dan jika perlu, pembedahan koronari akan dilakukan. Antara perkhidmatan yang disediakan ialah diagnostik, terapeutik, pembedahan jantung untuk jantung terbuka, jantung tertutup, toracic, pemindahan dan lain-lain.

Wut services taT provided?

Institut Jantung Negara (IJN, also known as the National Heart Institute) is Malaysia’s premier heart center and the national referral center for cardiovascular disease, treating adult and pediatric patients from all over the country and abroad. Established in 1992, IJN is an integrated, one-stop center for comprehensive cardiologic care and cardiothoracic surgery. Its variety of treatment options range from simple surgery for a "hole in the heart" to transplantation for complex heart failure. Post-treatment, the institute's complete rehabilitation programs incorporate physical and emotional support and dietary counseling.

IJN’s team of physicians has introduced innovations in interventional procedures for diagnosis and treatment as well as surgeries. The array of cardiovascular and thoracic procedures performed at IJN includes electrophysiology, endoscopic vein harvesting, angiogram and angioplasty via radial artery, minimally invasive surgery, off-pump surgery, bypass surgery on “awake” patients, automatic internal cardiac defibrillator implantation, stent implantation, and implantation of a heart-assist device as a bridge to transplantation for heart failure patients.

The institute also offers Executive Screening Programs or Heart Screening Packages with emphasis on the heart and prevention of heart disease. The complete program includes blood tests for hemoglobin, cell counts, cholesterol and related fats, blood sugar, kidney function, electrolytes, and uric acid; urine test; chest x-ray and electrocardiogram; lung function and treadmill stress tests; and more. Doctors discuss the findings with the patient within one day and provide a comprehensive report within two weeks.

There are three (3) types of screening packages available:

  1. Standard Heart Screening Package
  2. Executive Heart Screening Package
  3. Elite Heart Screening Package

IJN is also affiliated with Papworth Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, England; Kansai University Medical Center, Osaka, Japan; the Heart and Diabetes Center, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany; Hanoi Heart Center, Vietnam; Liverpool John Moores University, England; and the University of South Australia, Adelaide.


  1. Cardiology (Adult and Pediatric)
  2. Cardiothoracic surgery (Adult and Pediatric)
  3. Anaesthesiology
  4. Heart Screening / Executive Screening Programme
  5. 64 slice MSCT calcium scoring
  6. 64 slice MSCT coronary angiogram
  7. Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme
  8. Nuclear Medicine
  9. Diet Counseling
  10. Quit Smoking Counseling Clinic
  11. CPR courses
  12. Radiology services
  13. Laboratory services
  14. Physiotherapy services
  15. Non-invasive cardiology services
  16. 24 hours emergency services


Our Invasive Cardiovascular Laboratories (ICL) have one of the latest such as Prucka Dual monitor Cardiolab, a sophisticated computerized electrophysiology and haemodynamic laboratory system using the optical disk storage of digitized information, radiofrequency-ablation lesion generator and blood stimulator for electrophysiology studies.

Cardiology Department has always kept abreast of latest development and advancement in balloon and stent technology that enabled our cardiologists to successfully pursue not only more complex coronary lesions but also peripheral percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) with stenting on carotid, renal, iliac or femoral arteries. IJN performs 81 types of diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures.

The most commonly performed procedures are:

  • Cardiac catheterisation
  • Coronary angiography
  • Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
  • Peripheral Cardiovascular Intervention (PCI)
  • Percutaneous Transveous Mitral Commissurotomy (PTMC)
  • Pacemaker Implantations (temporary and permanent)
  • Automated Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD)
  • Persistent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA Occlusion)
  • Balloon Dilatation (pulmonary and aortic)
  • Coil Embolisation
  • Electro Physiological Study (EPS)
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
  • For non-invasive procedures, the most common procedures are:
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Echocardiogram (including transthoracic,TTE (2D) and transeosophageal echocardiogram with colour flow and doppler)
  • Foetal Echocardiogram
  • Stress test
  • Stress Echocardiogram
  • Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram
  • Radio nuclear Perfusion Test
  • 24 hour ambulatory ECG monitoring
  • Trans-Telephonic monitoring Kings Of Heart Rhythm Card
  • Pacemaker check
  • Cardiopulmonary Test (CPX) – VO2 Max


We are one of the leading cardiothoracic centres in South East Asia. Our Cardiothoracic Surgery Department offers a wide range of heart surgeries:

  • Adult Cardiac Surgery
  • Paediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Surgery
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Heart and Lung Transplant Surgeries
  • Left ventricular assist Device
  • Surgery for heart failure

Over the years, we had acquired extensive experience even with many uncommon and complex congenital heart diseases. We have been consistent in our efforts towards acquiring new skills and techniques. Our achievement in recent years includes:

  • Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB)
  • Awake Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Left ventricular reconstructive surgery (also known as Dor procedure)
  • Implanted first Thoratec implantable Ventricular Assist Device (IVAD) in Asia & Australasia region
  • Endoscopic saphenous vein and radial artery harvesting for coronary artery surgery
  • Maze surgery for abnormal heart rhythm
  • Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)
  • Heart transplantation for patients with end-stage heart disease
  • Lung Transplantation surgery
  • Thorascopic surgery for lone atrial fibrillation

The Department performs over 38 types of open heart surgeries and 45 types of closed heart and thoracic surgeries. Currently, we performed an average of 1,800 open heart surgeries and 700 close heart surgery per year.

Services Provided for International Patients

  1. Visa arrangement
  2. Hotel accommodation
  3. Airport transfer
  4. City transfer
  5. Ticketing arrangement
  6. Interpreter services
  7. Internet services
  8. Meet & greet services
  9. Ushering services
  10. Money changer services
  11. Other reasonable assistance as and when required by patients


Ward rooms ranging from single room, deluxe, suites (price of single room ward starts from US$50 to US175) to shared rooms (double bedded to six bedded). Facilities in the ward inclusive of cable TV, variety of menu selection, direct dial telephone, bed for companion and en-suite bathroom.

da LateSt nEws

Desperate plea for a heart

Mother begs Malaysians with a brain dead relative to help her daughter

NST, 9 July 2009

KUALA LUMPUR - Every night she cries herself to sleep Every morning she wakes up hoping there will be a heart donor.

Winnie Chon 25 who is surviving on a mechanical heart at the National Heart Institute (IJN) has been living a life of hope and despair for the past 338 days.

She was overjoyed late last year and on May 28 when she was told they might have a heart for her on both occasions her joy was shortlived when the organs were found to be incompatible.

Winnie who is from Taiping started sensing that something was not right with herself in December 2007 when a swelling appeared in her throat and she had breathing difficulties.

She sought treatment at Ipoh Hospital and was referred to Penang Hospital when doctors suspected it was not a thyroid problem It was only after the Chinese New Year celebrations this year that she went to UN and was told that she needed a heart transplant.

When her condition worsened the surgeons decided to hook her to a machine in August last year. In the midst of all this she was dealt another blow when her husband who she married when she was 19 decided to end their relationship.

"I only have my five year old son. Now It breaks my heart when I can't hug cuddle and kiss him. I only talk to him at a safe distance as I am afraid he might accidentally pull at the machine or the wires linked to my body." she said. She said whenever she speaks to her son over the phone he pleads with her to come home. His birthday falls on July 27 and I am so helpless as he wants me to go home and take him out she added.

Winnie who Is the youngest of five siblings is crying out to Malaysians for a heart.

"Please help me I want to live just like others of my age. I want to take care of my son. I want a heart." she appealed as tears rolled down her cheek.

Winnie who is holding on to the hope of getting a donor heart has told her mother Lim Kim Wah who has been with her at the hospital since August last year that if she died she would want to donate all her organs and tissues.

"I am now in a dark tunnel waiting to see the light on the other side. I know what it is to wait for an organ. I am prepared to donate so that some one can have a better life. "

Her mother who broke down on seeing her daughter s desperate call for a heart donor said: " I beg Malaysians who have a brain dead family member to please donate his / her heart for my daughter.Please let her live."

Another patient with a mechanical heart Tan Geek Koon 41 a mother of four aged 11 months to eight years is also pleading for a heart.

She suffered a heart failure four days after delivering her fourth child and has been in IJN since Sept 16.

She had a stroke on June 11. and her condition is slowly deteriorating. One side of her body is paralysed.

"I am hoping for a miracle."said Geek Koon who puts up a brave front but one can see the agony and pain she is going through. "My husband is giving me the moral support to be strong and my siblings are with me to ensure I don't plunge into depression." she said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 17:06

Thursday, August 6, 2009

aLL bOut zArA.

dA fOUnder Of ZARA, Armancio Ortega, Open dA fiRst ZARA stOre iN 1975. Da fiRst ZARA store was lOCated On a cEntraL streeT in LA Coruna. Upon da SuCCEss ZARA format, da FIrm starteD tO expand and opEned furtheR stORes.

Its first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The store proved to be a success, and Ortega started opening more Zara stores in Spain. By the early 1980s, Ortega had begun formulating a new type of design and distribution model. The clothing industry followed design and production processes that required long lead times, often up to six months, between the initial design of a garment and its delivery to retailers.

Zara's PrOducT

zara stores have 7 basic product lines: men's clothing and women's clothing. As of 2007, each of these lines consist of 5 sub-sections. These sub-sections are Lower Garment, Upper Garment, Shoes, Cosmetics and Complements. Zara's catalogue also includes a line for children's clothing. Currently their sizing on women's clothing goes to a US size 12 or a UK size 16 or extra large.

An article in Businessworld magazine describes Zara's fashion strategy as follows: "Zara was a fashion imitator. It focused its attention on understanding the fashion items that its customers wanted and then delivering them, rather than on promoting predicted season's trends via fashion shows and similar channels of influence, which the fashion industry traditionally used."

Women Dress

Forget the rest! You'll always look your best with the sexy 'Zara Dress' from Trina Turk. Empire waistline with beaded accents. Low V-neck and back. Sleeveless. Zipper at the back. 35 approx. dress length. Materials: 93% silk and 7% elastane. Contrast: 82% Rayon and 18% silk. Lining 1: 56% acetate and 44% viscose. Lining 2: 100% polyester. Dry clean only. Made in the U.S.A.
Orvis Linenweave Big Shirt - Embroidered, Long Sleeve - For Women
CLOSEOUTS. Orvis' Linenweave Big Shirt features delicate, feminine leaf embroidery (with tiny sequin flowers) at the band collar and the crisp feel of Mother Nature's linen. Lightweight, for cool comfort Nylon adds strength Spandex stretch for fit and mobility Button front Long sleeves 53% linen, 45% rayon, 2% spandex Machine wash/dry Relaxed Fit CLOSEOUTS

Chaser - Run DMC More Big Bling Scoop Neck Women's Shirt, Mineral Wash Grey

100% Rayon (Soft/Sheer Top). Design brought to you by Chaser Merchandising.


As of December 2008, there are more than 1,500 Zara stores around the world, distributed as listed below:

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