Thursday, February 17, 2011


terasa macam2 nak makan... wlpon kt surabaya nih ade mcd , kfc , pizza. tetap jugak la xsama dy nyer pawn apetah lagi sgt2 la xsama..owng kata xde nikmat..xde ummmphh!!!...ngee~

uaran dy pergghh.. memang memukau lar.. apesal lar kfc kt indon nh xsrupe nga KFC Msia ea?? heraaaann sejenak..??!..
ermn..lambatnye lar nk cuti ..xsbar nak blk nak baham sume mkanan kt Mesia..wargghh!!!

I'm lovin' it!

ape ea menu baru dari Mcd...??
kan sempena chnese new year heboh2 la kat cni dgn prosperity burger...tup-tuuuppp... gini je ea rupanya, lagi kalo makan, walah..xde nikmat lgsung ar..

see.. prosperity nih memang memuaku mata memandang ar, sekali tgk nk bli 10..kalo da mkn xtaw la bli byk mne...heheee..Msia memng Heaven lar...i love Msia..

Friday, February 4, 2011

Breast Cancer and Lifestyle

1 dari 8 wanita berisiko mendapat kanser payudara dengan perubahan gaya hidup masa kini

50 ribu wanita di diagnosis kanser payudara setiap tahun

One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and the rate is rising, alarming figures show.Scientists blame obesity, alcohol and the growing tendency to delay motherhood for record levels of the disease.

Experts describe the figures as a ‘wake-up call’ and say thousands could avoid the disease if they drank less, maintained a healthy weight and took more exercise.

The rise has also been blamed on the fact that increasing numbers are delaying motherhood and consequently having fewer children. The figures show that there are now 124 cases per 100,000 women, twice as many as any other type of cancer.

Scientists believe some forms of breast cancer are triggered by the sex hormone oestrogen, which is linked to obesity, alcohol consumption, having fewer children and not breastfeeding

They also blame hormone replacement therapy taken by millions every year to combat the symptoms of the menopause.Doctors believe many tumours are caused by unhealthy lifestyles and are urging women to change their eating and drinking habits, particularly during the menopause.

Probable causes: Experts blame lifestyle choices such as alcohol and obesity, along with a growing wish to put off motherhood, for the spike in cancer rates.Research has found that obesity increases the risk of breast cancer after the menopause by up to 30 per cent. The overweight are also more likely to develop tumours.

Fat cells produce oestrogen and levels of this cancer-triggering hormone can be twice as high in obese women as those of a healthy weight.

Alcohol is also thought to raise the levels of oestrogen. Previous studies have shown that drinking even only one glass of wine a day can raise the risk of breast cancer by a fifth.

Women may also be increasing their risk by having fewer children, or none at all, because the levels of oestrogen decline during pregnancy. Those who delay motherhood and consequently have fewer babies will be exposed to oestrogen for a higher proportion of their lives.

The risk is elevated further because breast-feeding has been shown to protect against the tumours as it lowers the level of oestrogen and other hormone

Read more:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

my life as doktor muda @ co-ass..

Stat my duty as co~ass di hospital doktor soetomo, surabaya since march 2010 till september 2011.. InsyaAllah abez stdy on tyme.. Ameen..~klo x pawn xpe la, kna more struggle la jwbnya..keje sbgai doktor nh sperti art..cuma beza dri segi alur dy je la..

Duty plng best ever is kat surgery department.. Bcause kt stu byk sgt pngalam such as jd ass doctor di operation room..waah, so amazing ..tgk live operation , siap ley jd assistant lg tu..jam 3 pgi , 4 pgi smpai 2-3jam berdiri smpai operation slesai.. Hmm, pgalaman best yg len plak dpt pgang gnting..ehehe.. Nh bkn gunting biase, tp 'gunting'/scissor 2k menjahit so damn hepi bler dpt 'hecting'..wlpon hecting yg biase je, luka kecil2 kt kulit muka tangan, kaki..n sedey sgt kalo tyme tu xdpt peluang hecting..

Nw da msok obstetri department.. Baru 2mggu..pengalaman lom byk..juz bru yg biasa2, like leopod, djj,Nst n tgk px bersalin..nxt week masok ginekologi hope sgt dpt lakukan kuretase pd patient yg abortion ke.. N klo msok VK dpt mjhit luka aftr bErsalin.. Sgt2 xsbr.. Yg paling dinantikn nk p Rmah sakit Suwandi. Kt cne Doctor muda yg kna jd doc kt ctu. Mnolong patient mlahirkn baby. Uhuu. Cuak tetap ade, keinginan sgt tinggi, so aq optimis n smgt,insyaAllah blh..yeahzaa..I can do da best ...

Okay let's share wut you need to know about health..he..he..

Okey ..nh sal hipertensi pada wanita hamil..
Hipertensi pada wanita hamil terdiri dri 4 jenis:
1. Hipertensi kronis
3.Superimposed Hipertension -preeklamsia berat
4.Gestational hipertension

must know the signs of each type..
chronic hypertension......{ Blood pressure >/= 140/90 b4 hamil or hamil 20mggu.}
{ Hipertensi >20weeks & tetap ada after 12mggu postpartum.}

Eklampsia -preeklampsi
»Eklampsia: ada kejang
»Preeklmpsia: minimal blood pressure more than 140/90 dgn hamil lebih 20mggu dan proteinuria. lebih atau sama dgn 300mg/24jam atau lbh atau sama dgn +1 dipstick
»Preeklampsia berat: blood pressure lbh atau sma dgn 160/110
Proteinuria lbh atau sma dgn 2g/24jm atau lbh +2dipstick
PLT < 100.000/mm3
Hellp syndrome
LFT n LDH increase
Nyeri kepala menetap/ ggn cerebral/ggguan visus
Nyeri di epigastrium
( Salah 1 je dr simptom nh, da ley tegakkn diagnose.). ..

Ouw feel so sleepy..I gotta my bed..hehehehe.. Nnt free smbg lgik.. Nytez

Friday, December 31, 2010

health smart

#Diabetes Awareness.#
If u're diagnosed wit Type 2 diabetes, that confirm your doctor will almost certainly tell you to lose weight..So the healhiest ways to lose weight are to eat a balanced diet wit fewer calories than normal daily intake n also do not forget to increase physical activity such as jogging, brisk walking,cycling or swimming, at least five times a week.

What kinds of food are safe for you?.. So let's identified a better way of eating;
1. Eat more of these (^_~)
Fish, poultry,beans
Extra virgin olive oil or other vegetb oils (soybean or canola)
Walnuts or other nuts,sunflower n pumpkin seeds,olives
Fresh fruit
Eggs,feta,goat's cheeses
Steamed with herbs and drizzled with olive oil

2. Eat less of these
Beef,lamb(to non muslim who got diabetes plz less eat pork)
Low-fat crackers,chips
Reduced -fat biscuits
Egg substitute,fat-free yogurt,reduced-fat cheesbaked potatoes,white bread,rice

Healty is so cheap if you really want it..just eat what must help you from suffered,and alwaysdo non stop healty exercise..

Remember that medication not always the first choice,but choose medication with exercise and a nutrient -rich diet..
Good luck!

Friday, August 13, 2010

mUrnajaTi pakE emOsi rek!!

lIfe at MunarJati ceRia..

July 25, 2010, Sunday..
10 a.m at Gazteng Kampus A Unair

aq n member 1 batch bersiap2 nh nk gerak ke Lawang, Malang..aduhai dengar name Malang ase2 cam hidup kitwng akan malang kew??!?%$.. setiap owng tue bawk beg besaq gedabag! mak aiih,p seminggu jew, mane idak nyer, semua benda kena bawk, da doc budiono said kitwng kna duk kt pnginapan tu jew, xley nk enjoy kuaw..sO ape agi semua bwk ar, mknan, minuman, bntal, selimut, toilletries,printer, peti pun ade yg bawk..geMpak siott!..

n bertOlak nh, t tetiba kete grup aq tu xde drver la plak..haishkk fuusingg2!!, bincang punyer bincang, last2 aq yg kna drive..OMG... unbelieveable!!..nak cmne aq trima ar.. ....ahahahahha~ cuak gak actly, da xpnah2 seumur idop aq drve kat tanah indOnesia nh..PD nyer aq. sO kitwng gerak la, kOnvoi 5 kete.. memng scary beb! trffc jem gler. , owng indon nh bwk kete cm cr maut j sume..uhuu..

alhamdulillah aq n member2 sume slamat smpai di MUNARJATI...
sMpai2 kitwng semua lompat atas katil rest badan jup..CApek dech!!..

adoii muka ngantok yer.. aiskhh de pengarahan dr org Munarjati tentang kegiatan kitwng spnjag 1 mggu kt cne.. seb bek pak bambang menceriakan kami semua, so ngantoks ilang la dgr kata2 semgat dr dy..yg best nye kat Munarjati nh makn semua di bagi 4X sehari tu xla best sgt..

malam ...jmpa pembi

mbing grup ktwng.. pak munir.. bapak nh bek sempoi

july 26,201o
bermula la saat ini detik ituu.. kami mengerjakan tugas2 penelitian.. ktwng decided nk wat tajok Hubungan merokok dengan Hipertensi pada usia 20 -50 tahun di desa ardimulyo, singosari,malang.. dah wat quest, da sediakn cnderamata, t ktwng terjun la lapangan tenghari cenngg.. panas gak ar, even Lawang nh tmpat sejok. da siap p setiap umh, p tensi p anx wb quest, t ktwng blk la ke pnginapan mnarjati..

siapkan data2 bab 1 till 4 sampai kol 12malm.. setel suda..,t ktowng zzZzZZ...kihkihkihhh~

July 27, 2010

pgi2 kol 6 da bangOn, boys p ptcpy, t kol 8 kitwng semua presentasi ,ktwng nyer pRopsal..cuak gak ar cam nak masok debat plak!..uhuu~.with hope propsal ktwng d terima..
d end , yipPii yeahAaa andree2..di tERima!!!!! ..b.i.g. s.m.i.l.e.....sO ley trozkan penelitaian...

seharian nh kitwng tdoq je.. bangon2 da maklum la, kata ketua grup aq, grup paling sempo!! yes! i agreed wit u beb!!

july 28,2010

day 4.. Ermm mula la tugas yg berat 2k di pikul.. ececehhh.. pOyo kot lebih grup aq nh!
p desa tu agi, p bg2 quest, n surat undangn, coz ri jumaat ktwng de wt penyuluhan(health promotion)
t blaaa..blaaa. blaaa.. lalalaa...grrr.....~setel.. t blk
mlm Kompak wat kijo menaip cari data.... mO pecah otak..!

july 29,2010

pagi2 bute aq bngon kejotkn member aq. ahaha, p amek angin sejok n udara segar n pmandangan yg best.. d tea farm!!

lom tamapk tea nye kat ner ea.. uuu tu baw baby tea.. kihkihh~
i upload later kay! i av tO go nw..
......tO be continue~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

da SimpLe thiNg tat i av dOne

if you find life onE long, hard struggle, it cud be party bcoz u r a serial non takEr? hUrmZ am i?

LOok arOund yOu der r peOple reaDy tO help. YOu juz tO learN to takE wut they aV to give. bUt sumtimes i can staNd by mysElf. i can load thEm myself if i gOt any trOuble.i duN need heLp.,im nOt childiSh, buT even a littLe help make me feel lyke a baby.So hOw cud I be a matUre wOman??

sOmTimes i thiNk, hOw tO make smarter miStakes? im sO afraid of failing my takE da cOnservatIve rOute every stEp of dA way.

if ur noT making mistakes, ur not takIng risks and tat means ur not gOin anywhere.

i noE diz doesnt mean tO me shOuld adOpt a deviL-may -caRe attitude, n i neVer afraid to take risks anD learN from da consequeNces. i'll can handle by my self if av trOuble withOut woRry for anyone.

somtimes i thought, im not a gud woman. NobodY perfect rite?i waNna be a smarter n perfect woman in oTher sight.

,,urmz, deep in mY heaRt , der's kind burnIng.. i can sense tat luv is near.,,
anD One day, i gfOund sumoNe who chEer up my life. he really kinds and cares of me. he owEyz be der fOr me wen i gOT any trOuble...

nOw i realize tat, he gives me a new spirit n make me smile againn..sO wonderFuL Life, fullfill wut i've never get beforE.Learn me hOw tO be a gud sTudent. huiii,so funny huh wen hear tat.,. neVer give up.,,agaIn and again he tried to gimmE any ideas, moTivate,wit hOpe i'll succeed n get flyinG coloRs in my stdy.

he oweyz reminds me" dun fOrget study my dear!!! dun be lazy okay."

ill try' my best cnnot hurthis heart. juz wanna mke him epy . may God bless we alwitz,,. amin.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding( DUB)

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is abnormal genital tract bleeding based in the uterus and found in the absence of demonstrable organic pathology, and is the most common cause of functional abnormal uterine bleeding. Diagnosis must be made by exclusion, since organic pathology must first be ruled out. It can be classified as ovulatory or anovulatory, depending on whether ovulation is occurring or not

Ovulatory DUB happens with the involvement of ovulation, and may represent a possible endocrine dysfunction, resulting in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. Mid-cycle bleeding may indicate a transient estrogen decline, while late-cycle bleeding may indicate progesterone deficiency


Anovulatory cycle DUB happens without the involvement of ovulation. The etiology can be psychological stress, weight (obesity, anorexia, or a rapid change), exercise, endocrinopathy, neoplasm, drugs, or it may be otherwise idiopathic.

Assessment of anovulatory DUB should always start with a good medical history and physical examination. Laboratory assessment of hemoglobin, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, T4, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), pregnancy (by βhCG), and androgen profile should also happen. More extensive testing might include an ultrasound and endometrial sampling.


Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding predominantly consists of reassurance, though mid-cycle estrogen and late-cycle progestin can be used for mid- and late-cycle bleeding respectively. Also, non-specific hormonal therapy such as combined estrogen and progestin can be given.

The goal of therapy should be to arrest bleeding, replace lost iron to avoid anemia, and prevent future bleeding.

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